.40 S&W Versacarry Clip - Extra Large Manufacture ID: 40 XL
The Versacarry is a revolutionary IWB device. It uses a unique patent pending design that carries a firearm by the inner barrel diameter. This design allows for unlimited concealed carry possibilities, while remaining one of the smallest carry devices in the world.
- Self-locking trigger guard design - Ambidextrous - Works with most accessories - 75% less holster bulk - Works on most guns - Great for deep concealment - Durable and heat resistant - Easy on/off design - Used by LEOs across the U.S.
- Size: X-Large - Size of Clip: 5.75" - Caliber: .40 S&W - Barrel Length: 5" - Fits: Beretta P2 FS, Colt Delta Elite, H&K USP Tactical, Para-Ordnance 16-40 Limited, Para-Ordnance 16-40 TT, S&W M&P 40 5", Sig P226 XS Competition, Sig P250 Full Size, Sig XS All Round, Springfield XD Tactical, STI Aperio, Taurus 100, Wilson Combat Classic, Wilson Combat Classic Supergrade, Wilson Combat CQB, Wilson Combat CQB Elite, Wilson Combat CQB Tactical, Wilson Combat Protector, Wilson Combat Tactical Elite, Wilson Combat Tactical Supergrade